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Here you can find updates from the Student Delegates of the 2010 "Doing Business Internationally" Program in Mexico City, Mexico, from March 14th - 20th!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 2 - March 15, 2010

Day 3 of our blogging, and our second day in Mexico! The day began with yet another fantastic breakfast buffet in one of the two hotel restaurants: Los Naranjos. The delegation enjoyed everything from typical 'American' breakfast foods, as well as traditional Mexican breakfast choices. The fruit and fruit juices are so fresh here!!!

After breakfast, the group, full and ready to go, departed for our day of cultural excursion. Monday is a national holiday in Mexico, "Benito Juarez's Birthday--the businesses are closed, and the streets alive, so we chose to explore the cultural richness of the area. We travelled by bus to 'the Pyramids'. These cultural centers of Mexico were a part of the Aztec culture, looming high among flat lands, scattered with patches of green and brown foliage--and people! The Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon were located on an expansive complex--the remnants of the Aztec civilization are breathtaking. Plenty of pictures to come!!

And it would be terrible of me not to mention the MANY vendors dotting the landscape around the Pyramid complex. Our delegation Co-Leader, Ken Dillo, is an absolute pro when it comes to bartering and negotiations--most everyone left the Pyramids with great items, negotiated for with persistence and a smile =).

After we left the Pyramids, it was lunchtime!! We were all starving after CLIMBING PYRAMIDS, and were looking forward to taking a load off. Our amazing guides, Laura and Joao, introduced us to La Gruta--an extraordinary restaurant built into a CAVE!!! Yes, it was stunning. La Gruta was situated in an oasis of foliage and rock, with great food and service. It is truly an experience that everyone will remember, and we were glad to refuel and begin our trip back to the hotel.

On our way back, with all the shoppers among us, we voted to stop at this huge (and interesting) flea market. Anything and everything you can imagine was under that roof, and it was an ordeal to navigate the endless isles. I almost purchased a pair of amazing cufflinks (Aztec calendars), but decided against it--but rest assured, I will travel back to the U.S. with a new pair of cufflinks =). Speaking of which, stay tuned for cufflink updates!!!

We finally pulled back up to the hotel. Some of us relaxed and napped, others got a quick workout in. After we showered and cleaned up, we travelled to Polanco--an amazing part of the City. We enjoyed a spectacular bar and restaurant that evening, sitting on the sidewalk out front chit-chatting away--Laura and Joao knew the owner too, and we were treated like royalty!

After such a day, we were ready for bed. We came back, said our "goodnights'', and slept very well. Okay, that's enough for now. I'll check back later.

From Mexico,
Andrew S. Hicks =)

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