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Here you can find updates from the Student Delegates of the 2010 "Doing Business Internationally" Program in Mexico City, Mexico, from March 14th - 20th!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Getting ready for the Big Departure

Today is the day before we all leave for Mexico and my anticipation for the trip is growing steadily. It's been about two months since we started the Doing Business Internationally Program and most of those two months were in preparation for this trip. I know that I, and the other group members are very excited to travel to Mexico City and experience the culture as well as gain firsthand knowledge about trade between Mexico and the United States. Our itinerary in Mexico is exciting since we are able to mix cultural activities in the time between business meetings. I know that the entire group is anxious about climbing the Pyramids and going to the Folklorico Ballet since those are two cultural points that Mexico is popular for. Our business itinerary beings with a meeting at the US Commercial Service and two tours including Mexico's newest Commercial and Financial center Santa Fe, and Thomasville's newest store. We are also visiting the Parkdale Plant and Murphy Farms later in the week, which I am excited to see since I have never toured any large scale factories before.

The Doing Business Internationally Program has been such a great experience since the beginning of the semester and all of us members of the delegation are so thankful that we are able to have this opportunity to see up close and personal what is takes to have a successful international business. This upcoming week is going to be a great educational and professional experience and I am confident that this program will greatly benefit my professional career after graduation! Stay tuned to find out what events happen during the week while we are all in Mexico City, Mexico!

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